
Heat Induced Headaches: EP Functional Health Wellness Clinic

When temperatures are elevated in summer, heat-induced and severe headaches like migraines are common during the hot months. However, a… Read More

June 20, 2023

Exercises To Help Digestion: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

Regular exercise and physical activity help with cardiovascular health, improved mood, better management of chronic conditions, and can help digestion.… Read More

June 16, 2023

Body Stiffness: EP’s Functional Wellness Clinic

Body stiffness is common, especially as the body ages. Stiffness can result from intense work, lack of physical exercise, or… Read More

June 15, 2023

Sandwich Nutrition and Health: EP Functional Health Clinic

A typical sandwich from home includes bread - one thick slice of whole wheat, one or two favorite condiments, lunch… Read More

June 14, 2023

Lime Water Perks: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

The human body is about 60% to 75% water. Adequate hydration is necessary to flush toxins from the body, is… Read More

June 12, 2023

Protein Deficiency: EP Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles,… Read More

June 8, 2023

Athletic Training Checklist: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

For individuals starting an exercise program and professional athletes, training must be well-spent to develop fitness and specific sports skills.… Read More

June 5, 2023

Making A Satisfying Salad: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

A satisfying salad is a great way to get more fruits and vegetables high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A… Read More

June 2, 2023

Late Night Healthy Nutritious Snacks: EP Functional Wellness

With the summer approaching, the day's heat makes the body want to eat light or not at all. That's when… Read More

May 26, 2023

When The Body Craves Salt: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

Although salt is satisfying to the palate and necessary for survival, when the body craves salt, it can be a… Read More

May 19, 2023

Healthy Breads: EP’s Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

The right kind of bread can be an extremely healthful food. Eating more whole grains is associated with lower weight… Read More

May 12, 2023

Older Athletes and Maintaining Fitness: Functional Wellness Clinic

Healthy aging has been linked to a lifestyle consisting of proper nutrition and exercise. However, even with a healthy lifestyle,… Read More

May 11, 2023

Paresthesia: EP Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

The nervous system communicates with the entire body and reacts to internal and external changes using electrical and chemical impulses… Read More

May 10, 2023

Sacroiliac Sprain: EP Sciatica Clinic

A joint is where two bones meet. The two sacroiliac or SI joints connect the spine, pelvis, and hips. This… Read More

May 9, 2023

Engaging The Core: EP Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

The body's core muscles are used for stability, balance, lifting, pushing, pulling, and movement. Engaging the core muscles means bracing… Read More

May 5, 2023