
Chiropractic Injury Prevention for Work, Personal, and Sports Activities

Injury prevention should be on everyone's mind. All jobs, sports, and activities have the potential to cause some form of… Read More

January 8, 2021

Mechanical Vs. Manual Cervical Traction The Chiropractic Difference

Spinal traction, both mechanical and manual are treatment options that are based on the application of force to the axis… Read More

January 7, 2021

Heart Health, The Spine, and The Chiropractic Connection

Heart health and proper function circulate millions of gallons of blood to the entire body. The circulation moves: OxygenFuelHormonesEssential cellsOther… Read More

January 6, 2021

Any Low Back Tingling, Discomfort, or Soreness Should Not Be Ignored

Participating in any sports or physical activities strengthens the mind and body. But working out and engaging in these types… Read More

January 5, 2021

Tired Of Being Sick Chiropractic and Health Coaching Wellness Benefits

Individuals are tired of feeling sick. Many doctors prescribe medications to just control the symptoms of the various ailments. HeadachesMigrainesNauseaFatigueAcid… Read More

January 4, 2021

Testing For Piriformis Syndrome or Sciatica through Chiropractic

Identification of piriformis syndrome or sciatica requires proper testing and examination. The piriformis muscle begins at the sacrum near the… Read More

December 30, 2020

Eliminate Migraines From The Source with Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments can eliminate headaches and migraines from the source. Many individuals visit medical doctors complaining of headaches and migraines.… Read More

December 29, 2020

Post-Injury Chiropractic Health and Wellness

Post-Injury: We push ourselves throughout our lives, and accidents that result in injuries are just part of the process. The… Read More

December 28, 2020

Patient Medical History Importance for Optimal Treatment

The first step in chiropractic care is getting the individual's medical history. Many visit a chiropractor with certain expectations of… Read More

December 23, 2020

Consistent Chiropractic Care, How Many Follow-Ups Are Necessary?

Consistency is what makes chiropractic care work. A common misunderstanding about chiropractic medicine is the number of follow-up treatments necessary… Read More

December 22, 2020

Holiday Weight Gain, Back Pain, and Chiropractic Recommendations

Chiropractic recommendations to avoid holiday weight gain and back pain. All the food, gravy, pies, cookies, candy, chocolate, wine, eggnog,… Read More

December 21, 2020

Sleep Soundly With Chiropractic Adjusting

Chiropractic adjusting: Poor sleep is detrimental to the body's general health. If it becomes chronic side effects like high blood… Read More

December 18, 2020

Calcium and Vitamin D for Optimal Bone Health

Calcium and Vitamin D for optimal bone health. The body's bones/skeletal system contains a huge amount of calcium. Close to… Read More

December 17, 2020

Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. With advanced age, the body's muscles, bones, and spinal system… Read More

December 16, 2020

Chiropractic Alignment For Increased Well Being and Positivity

Chiropractic alignment is often the go-to option when injured or experiencing various types of pain. And for good reason, because… Read More

December 15, 2020