What is the recommended way to choose a mattress for individuals with back pain?

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Back Pain Mattress
When choosing a back pain mattress, one size does not fit all in selecting one for those with spine pain. Several other factors play a role, as well. However, whether a firm or soft mattress is the best option for individuals whose back pain keeps them up at night, most health experts say the choice is yours and that the mattress that makes you feel most comfortable is likely the best option. The research says that medium firmness seems to provide the most painless sleep. A review gathered information from 24 controlled trials where participants used soft, medium-firm, firm, or custom-inflated mattresses. The results showed that medium-firm and self-adjusted mattresses were best for sleep comfort, quality, and spinal alignment. (Radwan A. et al., 2015)
Medical Status
Selecting the back pain mattress best suited to your spinal condition is more than just how hard or soft the mattress is. Individuals and their healthcare providers should thoroughly review their medical history to tailor the mattress to their needs. Before purchasing a mattress, check the following:
- Age
- Medical history
- Injuries current and past
- Current diagnosis or diagnoses
- Disease and/or Conditions
- Sleeping preferences
For example, symptoms of spinal stenosis tend to present themselves when one is standing and walking but not when lying down. For this reason, mattress firmness is not a big issue only for people with spinal stenosis. However, it must be taken into consideration for those who have degeneration along with spinal stenosis.
Individuals with spinal arthritis without stenosis, disc problems, or non-specific back pain need to consider the relative firmness or softness of the back pain mattress. People with these conditions do better with more support, i.e., a firmer mattress. While everyone needs some back support when they sleep, those who have undergone multiple back surgeries often need less. The tissues have been altered and may be stiffer after several surgeries. In this case, a softer mattress may be more suitable and comfortable.
Mattress Age
Mattress springs break down over time, which makes the bed softer. This can aggravate the spine and back muscles. Based on this, investing in a new mattress makes sense, or pain and stiffness can worsen with the current one. While this will vary among individuals, medical research may help shed some light: A study measured the comfort and quality of sleep for 27 participants with low back pain and stiffness. The participants recorded their sleep comfort and quality in their beds for 21 days and then with a new prescribed mattress and bedding system, which they used for 12 weeks. The study found that the participants showed significant and progressive improvement in back pain and stiffness on the new mattresses and improved sleep quality significantly. (Jacobson B. H. et al., 2010)
Sleeping Position
The position usually slept in makes a difference in the support needed for the back pain mattress. Some recommendations for back sleepers, side and fetal position sleepers, and stomach sleepers:
Side Sleepers
- Most people are side sleepers.
- They sleep in the fetal position with their knees drawn up toward their chest.
- This position tends to place pressure on the hips and shoulders.
- For side and fetal sleepers, a slightly softer mattress is recommended.
- The foam the mattress is made of conforms to the body, especially in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine.
Stomach Sleepers
- For the stomach sleeper, soft mattresses can irritate the back.
- A soft mattress encourages the abdomen to sink into the bed.
- The resulting position is known to increase the arch in the lower back and cause pain.
- A medium-firm surface is good for stomach sleepers.
- The idea is to derive support from the chosen mattress without the abdominal sinking.
- The sinking effect is amplified if you have a large abdomen.
- For thin individuals, sinking may not be as much of an issue.
Back Sleepers
- For support, place a thin, rolled towel or pillow under the knees and lower back of those who sleep on their backs.
- A pillow/s under these areas will help support them and provide more comfort.
Researchers divided the participants according to their usual sleep position. They were assigned to a medium-firm mattress with foam and latex layering based on their preferred sleep position. The participants rated their sleep comfort and quality daily for three months. The researchers found that the new mattresses improved back pain and stiffness. For this reason, they concluded that sleep surfaces relate to sleep discomfort and that replacing a mattress with one uniquely suitable to your spinal condition can reduce and relieve pain. (Jacobson B. H. et al., 2010)
Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic
Choosing the right back pain mattress ultimately comes down to personal preference. Individuals should try various mattresses and see which one they like best. Individuals who struggle with sleep or other sleep disorders that impact their ability to get restful sleep should consult with their healthcare provider about getting an assessment and treatment. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can help individuals recover and regain the benefits of quality rest through healthy sleep practices and lifestyle accommodations. We build optimal health and wellness solutions with primary healthcare providers and specialists. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.
Chiropractic Care Can Transform Pain Into Relief
Radwan, A., Fess, P., James, D., Murphy, J., Myers, J., Rooney, M., Taylor, J., & Torii, A. (2015). Effect of different mattress designs on promoting sleep quality, pain reduction, and spinal alignment in adults with or without back pain; systematic review of controlled trials. Sleep health, 1(4), 257–267. doi.org/10.1016/j.sleh.2015.08.001
Jacobson, B. H., Boolani, A., Dunklee, G., Shepardson, A., & Acharya, H. (2010). Effect of prescribed sleep surfaces on back pain and sleep quality in patients diagnosed with low back and shoulder pain. Applied ergonomics, 42(1), 91–97. doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2010.05.004