
From Injury to Recovery with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023) Thanks for watching! - We are excited you are taking positive steps to learn about health challenges affecting you… Read More

April 18, 2023

Softball – Baseball Injuries: EP’s Functional Wellness Clinic

Softball and baseball require running, jumping, throwing, and swinging movements. Even for the fittest athletes and weekend warriors, the body… Read More

April 17, 2023

*SCIATICA* Causes & Treatments | El Paso, Tx (2023) Do you suffer from sciatica or know someone who does? Sciatica is a common condition that can cause pain,… Read More

April 16, 2023

Pregnancy and Sciatica: How Chiropractic Helped | El Paso, Tx (2023) Join us as we follow Trudie's journey through pregnancy and the challenges she faced with sciatica pain. Through chiropractic… Read More

April 16, 2023

Intercostal Muscle Strain: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

Intercostal muscles are the muscles within the rib cage, commonly called the intercostals, which connect the ribs and make up… Read More

April 14, 2023

Muscle Knots – Trigger Points: EP’s Chiropractic Clinic

Muscle knots or trigger points are tissues/segments of muscle fibers stuck in a contracted state and balled up or become… Read More

April 13, 2023

Unlocking Athletic Potential with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023) In this video, we explore the importance of biomechanical assessments for people who are involved in athletic activities, and… Read More

April 13, 2023

Improving Athletic Performance Through Chiropractic | El Paso, Tx (2023) In this podcast episode, we discuss the role of BIA and BMA tests in evaluating the health and fitness… Read More

April 12, 2023

High Hamstring Tendinopathy: EP’s Sciatica Clinic

The hamstring muscles attach, through a tendon called the proximal hamstring tendon, to the ischial tuberosity, the bones used to… Read More

April 12, 2023

The Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023) In this video, we explore the powerful combination of healthy recipes and chiropractic care for a better life. You'll… Read More

April 9, 2023