
An Introductory Guide To Regenerative Cells

"Individuals dealing with various conditions and diseases and ongoing research to find treatments, where do human regenerative cells come from?"… Read More

September 15, 2023

Regenerative Medicine: Exploring Regenerative Cell Therapy

"Nowadays, individuals trying to avoid surgery have more therapy options. Can regenerative medicine help treat neuromusculoskeletal injuries?" Regenerative Medicine Regenerative… Read More

September 13, 2023

Garlic Tea Health Benefits

"Garlic tea is an herbal tonic made from garlic, lemon, and honey. What medicinal uses and benefits can garlic provide… Read More

September 1, 2023

What Makes A Healthy Life?

While a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for one individual may not be the best option for another, can experts point out… Read More

August 16, 2023

An Innovated Approach For Gender Minority Healthcare

How can healthcare professionals provide a positive and safe approach for gender minority healthcare for the LGBTQ+ community? Introduction In… Read More

August 10, 2023

Creating El Paso’s Inclusive Health Care For LGTBQ+

How can physicians create a positive experience for LGTBQ+ individuals seeking inclusive health care for muscle pain? Introduction Finding proper… Read More

August 7, 2023

Ice Water Bath For Sore Muscle Recovery

Athletes regularly take an ice-water bath after training or playing. It is known as cold water immersion/cryotherapy. It is used… Read More

July 18, 2023

Pickleball: Health Benefits For Everybody

Pickleball is a growing, increasingly popular sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of every age and fitness level. It… Read More

July 10, 2023

Treadmill Walking Exercise Errors: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

Working out on a treadmill is a great way to get cardiovascular exercise when unable to go outside or to… Read More

May 31, 2023