sciatica pain

***MELATONIN*** & its effects on human structure | El Paso, Tx (2021) Today Dr. Alex Jimenez, Clinical Nutritionist Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega, and Senior Health Coach Kenna Lee Vaughn discuss the… Read More

March 22, 2021

*How do we evaluate patients? * Dr. Alex Jimenez | El Paso, Tx (2021) As part of our personalized medicine approach in our offices, we take our remote patient monitoring and virtual health… Read More

March 20, 2021

What to Expect From Our History & Health Assessment | El Paso Functional Medicine Discussions: As part of our personalized medicine approach in our offices, we take our remote patient monitoring and virtual… Read More

March 6, 2021

Discussing Immunity & Inflammation with experts | El Paso, Tx (2021) We are excited you are taking positive steps to learn about health challenges affecting you and your family. There… Read More

March 3, 2021

Functional Medicine: Banishing Cancer: Support the body naturally | El Paso, Tx (2020) Dr. Russell M. Jaffe, CEO and Chairman of PERQUE began planting the seeds of his vision when he first… Read More

February 27, 2021

(2021) Brain Fog & Brain Cognition: ** Percepta Professional ** (Product Review) | EL PASO, TX. In this edition of the Functional Medicine Podcasts Dr, Jimenez, Kenna Lee Vaughn Chief Health Coach, and Ana Paola… Read More

February 27, 2021

What is Thyroid Disfunction *PART 2* | El Paso, Tx (2021) Dr. Alex Jimenez brings you part two of the Functional Medicine episodes where Medical Specialists will help you recognize… Read More

February 27, 2021

3 Points of Weight Loss Daniel Alvarado & Dr. Alex Jimenez Discuss Weight Loss Programs Read More

February 27, 2021

Inflammation & Immunity | What Is It? Dr. Alexander Jimenez, Health Coach Kenna L. Vaughn, and Nutritionist Ana Paola Rodríguez Arciniega talk about the relationship between… Read More

February 27, 2021

Brain Fog & Brain Cognition: Percepta Professional (Product Review) Dr, Jimenez, Kenna Lee Vaughn Chief Health Coach, and Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega discuss Brain Fog and A special… Read More

February 27, 2021

Sciatica: The Nasty Back Scourge | El Paso, Texas Dr. Alex Jimenez & Dr. Marius Ruja Discuss the Scourge of the Lower Back. Read More

February 27, 2021

Body Composition & Metabolic Fitness Assessments Dr. Alex Jimenez, Kenna Lee Vaughn Senior Health Coach and Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega Master Nutritionist discuss the importance… Read More

February 27, 2021