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Knee and Ankle Automobile Collision Injuries: Sciatica Clinic

Automobile accidents and collisions can cause knee and ankle injuries in various ways. Automobile crashes are considered high-energy collisions versus slip and fall traumas which are generally low-energy. However, a 30mph or under-collision can have serious and detrimental effects on the knees and ankles. The sudden forces can cause the knees to collide with the dashboard or push the feet and legs into the body, generating intense pressure and compressing the bones, muscles, and ligaments damaging soft tissues and bone structures from the impact. The Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic Team can rehabilitate, realign, strengthen, and restore function to individuals with minor to severe auto collision injuries.

Knee and Ankle Automobile Collision Injuries: EP Chiropractic Team

Knee and Ankle Injuries

Musculoskeletal motor vehicle crash/collision injuries affect the body’s movement. The impact can pull, tear, crush, and smash bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs, and nerves. These injuries restrict the range of motion and can cause pain and sensation symptoms. The National Accident Sampling System reports 33% of injuries sustained during vehicle collisions are to the lower extremities.

  • Despite the knees and ankles having soft tissues that absorb and distribute the energy’s impact, the forces from the collision often happen instantly and unexpectedly, causing the individual to tense up, which overwhelms the structures.
  • Even panic stepping on the brake pedal can cause injury to the ankle and foot.
  • A passenger’s reflex of trying to resist forces can experience foot, ankle, and knee injuries from bracing off the vehicle’s floorboard.
  • Automobile collisions can cause strains, sprains, fractures, and dislocations.

Torn, Strained, or Sprained Knee

  • If the foot becomes planted on the floorboard while the body continues to move forward or sideways, the force can travel into the knee, causing twisting or shearing.
  • Depending on the injury type, the impact strength can damage different ligaments.
  • The ligaments resist forces that push the knee inwards/medially and outwards/laterally and slightly resist rotational forces.
  • When any of these ligaments are damaged, swelling, pain, and limited ranges of motion can result.
  • Putting weight on the affected leg can be difficult.
  • In some cases, the ligaments tear completely, necessitating surgical repair.
  • Once the individual can engage in mild activity, they can begin a rehabilitation program to restore function.
  • Recovery times vary based on the location and severity of the injury.

Fractured Knee or Ankle

  • When a fracture occurs in a joint, like the knees or ankles, surgical procedures may be necessary to repair the broken bone/s.
  • Broken bones can result in simultaneous damage and/or inflammation of the connective tissues that can cause the muscles to contract/tighten or atrophy during the recovery and healing phases.
  • Joints and bones are kept healthy with moderate movement and weight-bearing.
  • Fractures require immobilization of the affected area.
  • A physical therapy rehabilitation program can begin when the brace or cast comes off.
  • Targeted exercises and resistance will strengthen and stretch the joint to improve flexibility and promote healing through improved circulation.

Torn Meniscus

  • The meniscus is a C-shaped area of cartilage that rests between the thigh and shin bones.
  • It acts as a shock absorber.
  • The meniscus can become torn, resulting in pain, stiffness, and loss of motion.
  • This injury can heal independently with the right rest and therapeutic exercises.
  • A chiropractic auto collision specialist can diagnose the severity of the tear and provide the recommendations needed to rehabilitate and strengthen the knee.
  • If the tear is severe enough, surgery may be required.

Strained or Sprained Ankle

  • Strained tendons and sprained ligaments can result from the ankle being subject to tremendous force.
  • Strains and sprains vary in severity.
  • Both indicate that the connective tissue has been damaged or stretched beyond normal limits.
  • They can present with pain, inflammation, and problems moving the affected area.
  • With proper medical attention and rehabilitation, recovery is possible.

Torn Achilles Tendon

  • The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heel and is necessary for walking, running, physical activity, and bearing weight.
  • If the tendon gets torn, surgery will be required to reattach the muscle and tendon.
  • After recovery, the individual can begin physical therapy to work the tendon and muscle, slowly building strength and range of motion.
  • It is critical to do this with the supervision of an expert in musculoskeletal rehabilitation to avoid re-injury or developing new injuries.

Chiropractic Treatment

Any musculoskeletal motor vehicle injuries can result in intense pain that worsens with activity, inflammation, swelling, redness, and/or heat in the affected area. This is why correctly diagnosing the injury is essential if the condition is to be properly and thoroughly treated. A physical examination will vary based on the individual’s state and can include:

  • Strength assessment
  • Range of motion
  • Reflexes
  • Other variables to determine the underlying issues.
  • Diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans can help identify and clarify injuries’ extent, nature, and location and rule out problems.

A qualified healthcare professional will combine the data with medical history to develop an accurate diagnosis. Our ability to effectively treat accident individuals is based on applying clinical expertise in musculoskeletal diagnosis and care. Our medical team takes a practical approach to help individuals quickly heal from musculoskeletal injuries using the latest treatments possible. When you meet with one of our professionals, you will feel relaxed and confident that you have come to the right place.

From Injury To Recovery


Dischinger, P C et al. “Consequences and costs of lower extremity injuries.” Annual proceedings. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine vol. 48 (2004): 339-53.

Fildes, B et al. “Lower limb injuries to passenger car occupants.” Accident; analysis and prevention vol. 29,6 (1997): 785-91. doi:10.1016/s0001-4575(97)00047-x

Gane, Elise M et al. “The impact of musculoskeletal injuries sustained in road traffic crashes on work-related outcomes: a protocol for a systematic review.” Systematic reviews vol. 7,1 202. 20 Nov. 2018, doi:10.1186/s13643-018-0869-4

Hardin, E C et al. “Foot and ankle forces during an automobile collision: the influence of muscles.” Journal of biomechanics vol. 37,5 (2004): 637-44. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2003.09.030

Li, Wen-Wei, and Cheng-Chang Lu. “Knee deformity following a motor vehicle accident.” Emergency medicine journal: EMJ vol. 38,6 (2021): 449-473. doi:10.1136/emermed-2020-210054

M, Asgari, and Keyvanian Sh S. “Crash Injury Analysis of Knee Joint Considering Pedestrian Safety.” Journal of biomedical physics & Engineering vol. 9,5 569-578. 1 Oct. 2019, doi:10.31661/jbpe.v0i0.424

Torry, Michael R et al. “Relationship of knee shear force and extensor moment on knee translations in females performing drop landings: a biplane fluoroscopy study.” Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) vol. 26,10 (2011): 1019-24. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.06.010

An Overview Of Vertebral Pain Syndrome


The human body has muscles surrounding and protecting the spine to prevent pain and disability. The spine is divided into three sections in the body: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, which form an S-shape curve to promote stability and good posture. The spine has several discs, facet joints, and spinal nerves that work with the surrounding muscles, making the body mobile. However, various factors can pressure the spine, compressing the spinal discs and invoking referred pain to the surrounding muscles and tissues in different locations, leading to overlapping risk profiles if left untreated. This article focuses on the lumbar spine, explaining what vertebral pain syndrome is and how non-surgical treatments such as spinal decompression can restore mobility to the lumbar spine. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical therapies like spinal decompression to alleviate vertebral pain syndrome associated with the lumbar spine. We encourage while referring patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable tool to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


An Overview Of the Lumbar Spine


We will concentrate on the lumbar spine, one of the three spine sections. The lumbar spine or low back begins at the T12 (the last thoracic vertebra) and ends at the S1 (the sacrum). It comprises five vertebrae with a common structure supporting the low back. These vertebrae are as follows:

  • The body
  • Pedicles
  • Laminae
  • Transverse processes
  • Spinous process
  • Superior/inferior articular processes

The lumbar spine has bigger and stronger bones that provide stability to the upper and lower parts of the body. Research studies reveal that the lumbar spine performs three essential functions that enable the body to function properly:

  1. It supports the upper body.
  2. It absorbs axial forces that move from the head to the trunk. This allows the muscles in the trunk to move without causing pain.
  3. The lumbar spine forms a canal that safeguards the spinal cord and nerves.


The Structures Of the Lumbar Spine

The spine comprises several structures, including the vertebrae, spinal cord, spinal nerves, facet joints, and intervertebral discs. Each structure plays a unique role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. The vertebrae protect the spinal cord and nerves from injury, while the facet joints guide the motion of the vertebrae and help maintain stability. The spinal cord and nerves work with the central nervous system to send signals from the brain to the body for coordinating reflex actions. Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers, allowing the spine to be flexible. Muscles, tissues, and ligaments protect the entire lumbar spine structure from pain. However, traumatic injuries or unwanted pressures can cause misalignment and low back pain. Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint, and several factors can contribute to its development, often confused with vertebral pain syndrome associated with the lumbar spine, as research studies reveal.


Move Better, Live Better- Video

Move Better, Live Better *Chiropractic Care* | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Do you have stiffness in your lower back or experience constant aches in certain regions? These may be signs of low back pain related to vertebral pain syndrome. Research shows that pathologic degeneration in the lumbar spine can cause low back pain, affecting all components. Several mechanical, traumatic, nutritional, and genetic factors contribute to spinal degeneration. However, non-surgical treatments can help reduce muscle pain and alleviate unwanted pressure on spinal discs. Chiropractic care and spinal decompression are two treatments that enhance mobility and function in the spine, relieving pain. The video above talks more about these treatments.

What Is Vertebral Pain Syndrome?


Experiencing pressure on the lumbar spine can result in various issues that can worsen low back pain. One of these issues is called vertebral pain syndrome. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., explain that this syndrome occurs when environmental factors start affecting the lumbar spine. It can be caused by visceral pain in the lower back that disrupts neuron signals in the lumbar spine. This can irritate spinal nerves, leading to referred pain in the lower body. The book also mentions that vertebral pain syndrome can happen when the vertebrae end plates on spinal discs wear thin, causing pressure to move with the disc. This can inflame the spine, causing chronic low back pain.


How Spinal Decompression Alleviate Vertebral Pain Syndrome

How can non-surgical spinal decompression treatments help alleviate vertebral pain syndrome in the lumbar spine? Research studies revealed that spinal decompression could reduce pressure on the spinal disc and gently stretch the spine, restoring disc height. This treatment can relieve many people from low back pain and its associated symptoms. Moreover, it can rehydrate spinal discs by promoting the flow of blood and nutrients, which aids in the healing process to reduce the effects of vertebral pain syndrome.



Taking care of your spine is crucial as everyday factors can put pressure on it, causing damage to the spinal discs. This can lead to vertebral pain syndrome, which can cause lumbar back pain and referred pain linked to visceral problems. Luckily, spinal decompression therapy can ease the effects of this syndrome by gently stretching the spine and restoring hydration to the discs. Incorporating spinal decompression into your routine allows you to enjoy a pain-free life without worrying about lower back pain.



Alexander, C. E., & Varacallo, M. (2020). Lumbosacral Radiculopathy. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430837/


Kang, J.-I., Jeong, D.-K., & Choi, H. (2016). Effect of spinal decompression on the lumbar muscle activity and disk height in patients with herniated intervertebral disk. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 28(11), 3125–3130. doi.org/10.1589/jpts.28.3125


Kaplan, E. & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.


Manfrè, L., & Van Goethem, J. (2020). Low Back Pain (J. Hodler, R. A. Kubik-Huch, & G. K. von Schulthess, Eds.). PubMed; Springer. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554336/


Sassack, B., & Carrier, J. D. (2020). Anatomy, Back, Lumbar Spine. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557616/


Fiber and Gut Health: EP Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

Young attractive Latino woman eat fruits on table in kitchen at home. Beautiful active female stand with happy face, enjoy eating banana, healthy foods for health care wellness to lose weight in house

Not getting enough fiber in one’s diet can lead to fiber deficiency. Fiber helps support gut and microbiome health. Individuals not getting enough fiber may experience irregular bowel movements, constipation, blood sugar fluctuations, not feeling full/satisfied after eating, or rising cholesterol levels. About 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut are integral to maintaining a healthy immune system. Fiber is the food these microorganisms eat that helps them to do their job. Without the proper amount, the immune system’s health may also be compromised.

Fiber and Gut Health: EP's Chiropractic Functional TeamFiber and Gut Health

Fiber and gut health benefits include regulating the body’s sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check, helping to maintain a healthy weight, its ability to prevent or relieve constipation, reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

  • Dietary fiber, or roughage, is the part of plant foods the body can’t digest or absorb.
  • It passes through the stomach, small intestine, and colon and out of the body.
  • It is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Soluble and insoluble forms are important to overall health.


Soluble Fiber

  • This type dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance.
  • It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.
  • It is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, and barley.

Insoluble Fiber

  • This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through the digestive system.
  • It increases stool bulk, benefiting individuals who struggle with constipation or irregular stools.
  • Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans, and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes, are good sources.


Healthy Bowel Movements

  • Dietary fiber increases stool weight and thickness and makes it soft.
  • Fiber helps to solidify the stool by absorbing water and adding bulk.
  • A thicker stool is easier to pass, decreasing the potential for constipation and other problems.

Maintains Bowel Health

  • A high-fiber diet can lower the risk of developing hemorrhoids and small pouches in the colon/diverticular disease.
  • Studies have also found that a high-fiber diet can help lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Some fiber gets fermented in the colon.
  • Researchers are looking at how this can help prevent diseases of the colon.

Lowers Cholesterol

  • Soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed, and oat bran can help lower blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein or unhealthy cholesterol levels.
  • Studies also have shown that high-fiber foods can help reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

  • In individuals with diabetes, fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar and improve blood sugar levels.
  • A healthy nutrition plan that includes insoluble fiber can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Helps Achieve Healthy Weight

  • High-fiber foods can be more filling than low-fiber foods, helping individuals eat less and stay satisfied.
  • High-fiber foods can also take longer to eat and are less energy dense, meaning they have fewer calories.

Getting More Fiber

Ideas for adding more fiber to meals and snacks:

Fiber to Start The Day

  • Choose a high-fiber breakfast cereal with five or more grams of fiber per serving.
  • Choose cereals with whole grain, bran, or fiber in the name.
  • Add a few tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran to the cereal.

Add Whole Grains

  • Try to make at least half of the grains eaten whole grains.
  • Look for bread that lists whole wheat, whole-wheat flour, or another whole grain as the first ingredient, with at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per serving.
  • Experiment with whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, wild rice, barley, and bulgur wheat.

Baked Foods

  • Substitute whole-grain flour for half or all white flour when baking.
  • Add crushed bran cereal, unprocessed wheat bran, or uncooked oatmeal to muffins, cakes, and cookies.


  • Beans, peas, and lentils are recommended sources.
  • Add kidney beans to soups or salads.
  • Make nachos with refried black beans, fresh vegetables, whole-wheat tortilla chips, and healthy salsa.

Fruit and Vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals.
  • Try to eat a favorite fruit daily.

Healthy Snacks

  • Fresh fruits, raw vegetables, low-fat popcorn, and whole-grain crackers are healthy choices.
  • Try for a handful of nuts or dried fruits; however, be aware that nuts and dried fruits can be high in calories.


High-fiber foods are beneficial for the body’s health.

  • Adding too much fiber can promote intestinal gas, abdominal bloating, and cramping.
  • Increase fiber gradually over a few weeks.
  • This allows the natural bacteria in the digestive system to make adjustments.
  • Maintain hydration, as fiber works best when it absorbs water.

Individuals not sure how to incorporate more fiber can consult a nutritionist and health coach to help begin the process.

Gut Dysfunction


Anderson, James W et al. “Health benefits of dietary fiber.” Nutrition Reviews vol. 67,4 (2009): 188-205. doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x

Cronin, Peter, et al. “Dietary Fiber Modulates the Gut Microbiota.” Nutrients vol. 13,5 1655. 13 May. 2021, doi:10.3390/nu13051655

Fuller, Stacey, et al. “New Horizons for the Study of Dietary Fiber and Health: A Review.” Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands) vol. 71,1 (2016): 1-12. doi:10.1007/s11130-016-0529-6

Gill, Samantha K et al. “Dietary fiber in gastrointestinal health and disease.” Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology vol. 18,2 (2021): 101-116. doi:10.1038/s41575-020-00375-4

A Look Into IDD Therapy For Musculoskeletal Pain


The spine is essential for maintaining our upright posture and allowing us to move without pain. The cervical, thoracic, and lumbar sections support different body areas. However, environmental factors and pathogens can cause musculoskeletal pain, leading to spine misalignment and stress on the surrounding muscles and nerve roots. Non-surgical treatments like IDD therapy can help realign the spine and relieve pain. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical treatments like IDD therapy to alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal pain along the spine. We encourage and refer patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable and fantastic way to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


The Pathological Effects Of Musculoskeletal Pain On The Spine

Are you experiencing muscle pain in various parts of your body? Do you feel stiffness in your back, neck, hips, or shoulders? Or are you experiencing localized pain in a specific area? These are common symptoms of musculoskeletal pain, which affects the spine. Unfortunately, research studies reveal that musculoskeletal pain is a leading cause of long-term suffering, disability, and decreased productivity. This type of pain can strain the surrounding muscles in the upper and lower body, affect joints, and cause overlapping risk factors that make diagnosis challenging. Research studies also suggest that musculoskeletal pain can arise from different structures, leading to local or central sensitization and correlating pain intensity and duration.



Did you know that musculoskeletal pain can have pathological effects on the spine? Research studies revealed that the musculoskeletal system significantly impacts the central nervous system regarding pain. This means that when pain occurs in a certain area, neuron signals are sent to the brain, increasing sensitivity markers to that location. In the case of a traumatic spinal cord injury, these signals can become chaotic, leading to additional risk factors for the muscles surrounding the spine. This can result in musculoskeletal pain, which may cause referred pain in other body parts. Additionally, research has indicated that severe pathologies associated with the central nervous system can also lead to musculoskeletal pain. This is because the brain’s neuron signals alert the immune system that something is wrong and needs immediate attention.


The Science Of Motion-Video

The Science of Motion +CHIROPRACTIC CARE+  El Paso, Tx (2023)

Have you been experiencing stiffness or pain in different parts of your body? Do you feel discomfort lifting heavy objects or feel a pinched nerve in your lower back or legs? These daily issues could be caused by musculoskeletal pain affecting your spinal cord. Traumatic or non-specific issues can lead to overlapping risk profiles and the development of musculoskeletal pain associated with the spine. If the spinal column is affected, it can cause neuron signals to become hypersensitive, resulting in a misalignment of the body. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments can help realign and heal the body naturally, reducing the effects on affected muscles while allowing necessary nutrients and blood to flow back to the spine. The video above explains how non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can harness the body’s ability to heal and restore stability through manual manipulation. Chiropractic care can also be combined with decompression therapy to stretch and alleviate pressure off the spine gently.

What Is IDD Therapy?


The musculoskeletal system depends on nerves, bones, and muscles for body structure and function. When affected by unwanted pathogens, it can cause pain in various areas and make a person feel miserable. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments like IDD therapy or intervertebral differential dynamic therapy can help reduce musculoskeletal pain affecting the spine. IDD therapy is decompression therapy that can help reduce pain by mobilizing and lengthening compressed spinal discs with special treatment forces. In “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., states IDD therapy effectively alleviates spinal pain associated with the musculoskeletal system. The book also mentions that this therapy helps free the spinal discs and nerve roots as the compressed pressure is dropped. To that point, it allows the oxygen-riched blood and nutrients back to the spinal discs to begin the healing process, as research studies revealed.



When the spine experiences traumatic forces or injuries, it can result in musculoskeletal pain that can be constant and miserable for the individual. However, no one should have to endure such pain. The spine supports the upper and lower sections of the body and needs to be mobile to perform this task. Non-surgical treatments, such as IDD therapy, can help alleviate unwanted pressure off the spinal discs and nerve roots that have become hyper-sensitive due to trauma or injury. This decompression therapy can help restore mobility to the spine and rehydrate the spinal discs to begin the healing process. With IDD therapy, individuals can relieve pain and experience freedom of movement.



Arendt-Nielsen, L., Fernández-de-Las-Peñas, C., & Graven-Nielsen, T. (2011). Basic aspects of musculoskeletal pain: from acute to chronic pain. The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy19(4), 186–193. doi.org/10.1179/106698111X13129729551903


Bang, A. A., Bhojraj, S. Y., & Bang, A. T. (2021). Back pain and musculoskeletal pain as public health problems: Rural communities await solution. Journal of global health11, 01007. doi.org/10.7189/jogh.11.01007

George, S. Z., & Bishop, M. D. (2018). Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain is a Nervous System Disorder… Now What?. Physical therapy98(4), 209–213. doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy002


Kaplan, E. & Bard, P. (2023). The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH.


Puntillo, F., Giglio, M., Paladini, A., Perchiazzi, G., Viswanath, O., Urits, I., Sabbà, C., Varrassi, G., & Brienza, N. (2021). Pathophysiology of musculoskeletal pain: a narrative review. Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease13, 1759720X21995067. doi.org/10.1177/1759720X21995067


Schimmel, J. J., de Kleuver, M., Horsting, P. P., Spruit, M., Jacobs, W. C., & van Limbeek, J. (2009). No effect of traction in patients with low back pain: a single centre, single blind, randomized controlled trial of Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society18(12), 1843–1850. doi.org/10.1007/s00586-009-1044-3


Using A Percussive Massager Correctly: EP Functional Health

A young man is using and enjoying percussion massage gun to relax and relief the pain in body and muscles in the gym.

Percussive massage guns have become a standard tool in osteopathy, physical and massage therapy, and chiropractic care. They provide rapid bursts of force into muscle tissues to quickly loosen and relax the muscles to alleviate soreness, stiffness and increase circulation. Percussive massager therapy devices can be a healthy part of an exercise and recovery routine. They allow individuals to give themselves quick, powerful massages anytime and anywhere. But they need to be used correctly to reap the benefits.

Using A Percussive Massager Correctly: EP Chiropractic Clinic

Percussive Massager

These devices can be found in stores and online. Many are on the market, making it tough to separate high-quality massagers from low-quality ones. With a little research and advice from a physical therapist or chiropractic professional, they can help the individual get the right one and training on how to use them to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system.

Percussive Therapy

Massage guns utilize percussive therapy or vibration therapy, sometimes simultaneously. Percussion and vibration therapy are slightly different. They are soft tissue manipulation, which reduces muscle soreness and post-physical activity, and workout fatigue.

  • Vibration therapy uses vibration movements to relax the body, alleviate stress and improve circulation.
  • Vibration therapy applies force to targeted areas but with less intensity.
  • This type of soft tissue therapy is generally defined as reaching eight to 10 millimeters into the soft tissues.
  • Vibration therapy is often recommended for individuals with chronic pain conditions, overly sensitive muscles, or a medical condition that prevents them from using percussive therapy.
  • Percussive therapy involves the application of force to muscles and fascia to break up adhesions and increase circulation to sore and sensitive areas.
  • Percussive therapy extends deeper into the muscles and reaches deep into soft tissue, estimated to be about 60% deeper.

Using It Properly

It’s important to know how to use the machine to get the most out of a percussive massager. Using the massager incorrectly can lead to further injury or the development of new injuries.

Before Workouts

A pre-workout massage session can help warm up the body by increasing circulation and improving the range of motion of the muscles that will be engaged during the workout. Spend one to two minutes massaging each muscle group that will be worked out, plus 30 seconds on supporting muscle groups. For example, here is a pre-workout massage for a leg workout.

  • Sixty seconds on each quadricep.
  • Sixty seconds on each hamstring.
  • Thirty seconds on the lower back.
  • Thirty seconds on each calf.

Circulation increases in less than five minutes, and the muscles are ready for exercise. However, this does not replace proper warming-up like dynamic stretching and light cardio to increase heart rate.

After Workouts

After working out, a percussive massage can be part of the cool-down.

  • Post-workout percussive therapy can help return the body from a heightened state to a resting state.
  • Percussive therapy helps reduce inflammation, which helps reduce post-workout muscle soreness is thought to occur due to microscopic tears in muscle fibers and inflammation in the tissues.
  • Percussive therapy maintains increased circulation after a workout, providing oxygen and nutrients to tired muscles.
  • The massage helps relax the nervous system by reducing soreness and pain signals, similar to a TENS unit.

Sore Muscles

The muscles may still be sore a day or two after working out. This is called delayed-onset muscle soreness/DOMS.

  • A percussive massage can help but may not completely alleviate DOMS but it will provide temporary relief.
  • The massager’s speed and depth settings should be adjusted to where they don’t cause pain.
  • Sore muscles tend to remain sensitive, and it is recommended to use the lower settings.
  • Once a setting feels good, use the massager for one to two minutes on each sore area.

How Not to Use

Individuals are recommended to consult a doctor if not sure of percussive massage therapy and should avoid using a percussive massager on:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries – sprains and strains.
  • Bony areas.
  • Areas of severe or unexplained pain.
  • Sensitive areas.
  • Bruises or open wounds.
  • Individuals with arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or other musculoskeletal conditions.

Percussive massage devices are safe to use for muscle soreness and as a tool to improve fitness.

Individuals can safely use a percussive massager every day as long as they use proper techniques and don’t exceed the recommended usage time, usually provided with instructions on how long to use the device during a session. And some massagers have an automatic shut-off so the individual doesn’t exceed the recommended time.

Revitalize and Rebuild with Chiropractic


Cheatham, Scott W et al. “Mechanical Percussion Devices: A Survey of Practice Patterns Among Healthcare Professionals.” International journal of sports physical therapy vol. 16,3 766-777. 2 Jun. 2021, doi:10.26603/001c.23530

Dupuy, Olivier, et al. “An Evidence-Based Approach for Choosing Post-exercise Recovery Techniques to Reduce Markers of Muscle Damage, Soreness, Fatigue, and Inflammation: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis.” Frontiers in physiology vol. 9 403. 26 Apr. 2018, doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00403

García-Sillero, Manuel et al. “Acute Effects of a Percussive Massage Treatment on Movement Velocity during Resistance Training.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,15 7726. 21 Jul. 2021, doi:10.3390/ijerph18157726

Hotfiel, Thilo, et al. “Advances in Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): Part I: Pathogenesis and Diagnostics.” “Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – Teil I: Pathogenese und Diagnostik.” Sportverletzung Sportschaden : Organ der Gesellschaft fur Orthopadisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin vol. 32,4 (2018): 243-250. doi:10.1055/a-0753-1884

Imtiyaz, Shagufta, et al. “To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage in Prevention of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).” Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR vol. 8,1 (2014): 133-6. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2014/7294.3971

Konrad, Andreas, et al. “The Acute Effects of a Percussive Massage Treatment with a Hypervolt Device on Plantar Flexor Muscles’ Range of Motion and Performance.” Journal of sports science & Medicine vol. 19,4 690-694. 19 Nov. 2020

An Overview Of Vertebral Axial Decompression


One of the most prevalent types of pain worldwide is lumbar back pain, which affects many people and can be costly. This type of pain can be triggered by several environmental factors, which can overlap and cause referred pain throughout the body. Some factors linked to low back pain include those that impact people working for a living.

  • Age
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excess weight
  • Improper lifting
  • Excessive sitting
  • Stress
  • Wear and tear on the spinal discs

When environmental factors cause spine misalignment, the surrounding muscles become weak, tense, and strained. This can result in the body shifting its weight to alleviate pain. However, many non-surgical treatments are available to relieve low back pain and realign the spine. In this article, we will discuss how lumbar back pain affects the body and how non-surgical therapies such as vertebral axial decompression can help to reduce it. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical treatments like vertebral axial decompression to relieve pain associated with the lumbar spine. We encourage and refer patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable and fantastic way to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Lumbar Back Pain?


Research studies suggest that lumbar back pain is commonly experienced as a symptom in the midline or sacral region of the body. This pain can develop gradually due to unwanted pressure and weight on the spinal discs, which compresses the nerve roots surrounding the spinal cord. Based on additional studies, lumbar back pain is often categorized into two types for diagnosis.

  • Specific low back pain: overlapping symptoms are caused by pathological mechanisms like, herniated discs, infections, musculoskeletal disorders, fractures, or disc degeneration.
  • Non-specific low back pain: where overlapping symptoms are causing pain in the lumbar region without a specific cause. This form of low back pain causes referred pain to different locations.

Many individuals commonly suffer from non-specific lower back pain, which can be triggered by environmental factors and affect their daily function. However, there are methods to alleviate lumbar back pain without surgery.


From Injury to Recovery with Chiropractic Care-Video

From Injury to Recovery with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Nobody must suffer from lumbar back pain, as many effective treatments are available to help realign the body back to normal. Non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care and decompression therapy can reduce the effects of lumbar back pain and realign the spine. These treatments can restore blood flow and nutrients to spinal discs, relieve the affected muscles, and be personalized to an individual’s health and wellness plan. This may include physical therapy to strengthen weak muscles surrounding the lumbar, nutritional advice to incorporate healthy whole foods to feed the body, and mindfulness practices to reduce the effects of stress on the body. Check out the video above to learn how to identify the root cause of health issues related to lumbar back pain and take steps toward your health and wellness journey.

What Is Vertebral Axial Decompression?


If you’re experiencing lumbar back pain, there are a variety of non-surgical and non-invasive treatments that can help alleviate the discomfort. One such treatment is decompression therapy, which involves gently pulling the spine to reduce pain and rehydrate the spinal disc. In this article, we’ll discuss vertebral axial decompression, a specific type of therapy. According to Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C.’s book, “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” vertebral axial decompression can effectively reduce lumbar pain. Vertebral axial decompression (VAX-D) was developed by Dr. Allen Dyer, M.D., Ph.D. The book also explains that VAX-D uses a logarithmic time force curve to apply tension to the spinal column, bypassing muscle guarding reflexes in the lumbar spine and reducing disc pressure. Overall, vertebral axial decompression can be a useful treatment option for those with lumbar back pain.


How Does It Reduce Lumbar Back Pain?

Many individuals who suffer from lumbar back pain experience associated pain symptoms that affect their legs and feet. This is referred to as sciatica or leg pain associated with pressure on the spinal discs. Vertebral axial decompression is one effective solution to reduce this pressure and alleviate nerve root aggravation. Research studies have shown that this treatment can improve mobility, reduce pain in the lumbar spine, and minimize the effects of lumbar back pain. By lowering intradiscal pressure, vertebral axial decompression allows for better blood flow and nutrient absorption to rehydrate spinal discs.



Lumbar back pain is a common and costly issue that causes misalignment in the body by putting pressure on the spinal disc, resulting in referred pain in various body parts. Environmental factors can contribute to the development of this condition, causing muscles and nerves to become tense, weak, or strained. Fortunately, many treatments are available to alleviate lumbar spine pain and relieve pressure from the spinal discs. Decompression therapy is effective in restoring mobility and reducing pain. Vertebral axial decompression is a non-surgical option that gently stretches the spine and rehydrates the spinal disc, revitalizing the body.



Casser, Hans-Raimund, et al. “Acute Lumbar Back Pain.” Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 1 Apr. 2016, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4857557/.

Goose, E E, et al. “Vertebral Axial Decompression Therapy for Pain Associated with Herniated or Degenerated Discs or Facet Syndrome: An Outcome Study.” Neurological Research, Apr. 1998, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9583577/.

Kaplan, Eric, and Perry Bard. The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH, 2023.

Koes, B W, et al. “Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain.” BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 17 June 2006, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1479671/.


When The Body Craves Salt: EP Functional Wellness Clinic

Just a pinch of salt.

Although salt is satisfying to the palate and necessary for survival, when the body craves salt, it can be a symptom of a health condition/s. The body needs sodium, but many foods contain more than the body needs. Most individuals’ sodium intake comes from packaged foods, pizza, burgers, and soups. The body craves salty foods for various reasons, often related to a sodium imbalance. To help curb cravings and limit consumption, incorporate seasoning blends, spices, and vegetables into a nutritional plan. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic can provide expert diet recommendations and health coaching to develop a personalized nutrition plan.

When The Body Craves Salt: EP Functional Chiropractic Team

When The Body Craves Salt

According to the American Heart Association:

  • The body needs 500 milligrams (mg) of sodium daily for optimal functioning.
  • That’s less than one-fourth of a teaspoon (tsp).
  • But because most individuals take in around 3,400 mg every day, the American Heart Association recommends that adults reduce consumption to 1,500-2,300 mg of salt daily.
  • Individuals who crave salt often shouldn’t ignore this as cravings could signal a health condition.
  • It is recommended to seek a healthcare provider’s advice to evaluate nutrition and lifestyle.



Craving salt could mean the body needs hydration. A sodium deficiency triggers systems that generate cravings for sodium, and the body feels rewarded after consuming salty foods. Individuals that find themselves dehydrated often should consider following these tips to maintain healthy body hydration:

  • Carry a water bottle throughout the day, take frequent sips, and try to refill two or more times.
  • Add fruit or fresh herbs to the water for flavor.
  • Freeze water bottles to have ice-cold water readily available.
  • Ask for water alongside other beverages when dining out.

Electrolyte Imbalance

  • When electrolytes are out of balance, the body can crave salty foods.
  • Electrolytes are minerals in the body with an electric charge.
  • Electrolytes are in the blood, urine, and tissues, and levels can spike or plummet.
  • This occurs when the amount of water taken does not equal the amount lost because of excessive sweating, sickness, and/or frequent urination.
  • Electrolytes are important because:
  • They help balance the body’s water equilibrium and pH levels
  • Move nutrients and waste into and out of the cells
  • Ensure the nerves, muscles, and brain are at optimal function.


  • Eating behavior can quickly be disrupted when experiencing stressful situations.
  • A stressed body can feel better after eating the foods it is used to, especially for individuals that consume a lot of salty foods when things are normal, and there is no stress.


  • Eating because of boredom is an emotional eating behavior similar to stress eating.
  • This response to negative emotions can happen to anyone.
  • Individuals are recommended to work through their negative thoughts with stress reduction strategies that include:
  • Mindful eating.
  • Exercise.
  • Meditation.
  • Spending time in green spaces like a garden, park, etc.
  • Visits with friends and family.



  • Experiencing various types of cravings during pregnancy is different for all women that naturally occurs.
  • However, cravings for salty foods often occur in the later stages of pregnancy.

Addison’s Disease

  • Addison’s disease is when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of a certain hormone, like cortisol/the stress hormone.
  • Individuals with this condition could be recommended to consume a high-sodium diet.
  • A nutritional healthcare professional can recommend what sodium sources and how much sodium are best.

Prevent Salt Cravings

Individuals can replace sodium with salt-free substitutes that do not help maintain flavor. Options include the following:


  • Using fresh citrus juice can brighten up dishes with acid.
  • When a dish tastes flat, a little acid from lemon juice can help make the food more palatable.


  • Vinegar can brighten the flavor of foods because of its acidic content and serve as a substitute.
  • Vinegar varieties include champagne, rice wine, or white balsamic.


No-Salt Seasoning

  • Salt-free seasoning blends are sold online and in grocery stores.
  • Individuals can make a no-salt seasoning mix using cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and cayenne pepper.


  • Instead of one teaspoon of iodized salt, one teaspoon of fresh garlic can eliminate up to 2,360 mg of sodium and offers an intense flavor.

Reduce Salt Consumption

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says that reducing the amount of sodium can gradually lower cravings. Taking these steps can help:

  • Limit consumption of packaged foods, especially those with the word instant in the name. These often contain a significant amount of sodium.
  • If possible, prepare lunch to take to work or school.
  • Read nutrition labels to ensure the products contain at least less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium.
  • Stick to fresh, frozen vegetables with no seasoning added or no-salt canned vegetables.
  • Split meals when eating out or cut the meal in half and take the rest home to avoid the high amounts of sodium in restaurant food.
  • Use none or low-sodium salad dressings or place them on the side.

Learning About Food Substitutions


Bell, Victoria, et al. “One Health, Fermented Foods, and Gut Microbiota.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 7,12 195. 3 Dec. 2018, doi:10.3390/foods7120195

Husebye, Eystein S et al. “Adrenal insufficiency.” Lancet (London, England) vol. 397,10274 (2021): 613-629. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00136-7

Morris, Michael J et al. “Salt craving: the psychobiology of pathogenic sodium intake.” Physiology & behavior vol. 94,5 (2008): 709-21. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2008.04.008

Orloff, Natalia C, and Julia M Hormes. “Pickles and ice cream! Food cravings in pregnancy: hypotheses, preliminary evidence, and directions for future research.” Frontiers in psychology vol. 5 1076. 23 Sep. 2014, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01076

Souza, Luciana Bronzi de et al. “Do Food Intake and Food Cravings Change during the Menstrual Cycle of Young Women?.” “A ingestão de alimentos e os desejos por comida mudam durante o ciclo menstrual das mulheres jovens?.” Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia : revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia vol. 40,11 (2018): 686-692. doi:10.1055/s-0038-1675831

A Brief History Between Traction Therapy & Spinal Decompression


Dealing with pain in muscles can cause multiple risks, leading to disability and unhappy life. Environmental factors play a role in shaping a person’s health and wellness journey. Eating habits, sleeping patterns, and physical activity levels affect the muscles, tissues, joints, and vital organs, all essential for a healthy body. However, pathogens and environmental factors can cause chronic conditions, challenging the body’s functioning. Fortunately, various treatments can reduce musculoskeletal pain and help revitalize the body. This article will discuss traction therapy and spinal decompression and how they can help alleviate musculoskeletal pain. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical treatments like traction therapy and spinal decompression to relieve musculoskeletal pain. We encourage and refer patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable and fantastic way to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Traction Therapy?


Are you experiencing referred pain in different parts of your body that seem connected? Are your muscles feeling tight or strained? Or have you noticed that you’re hunching over more than usual? If you’re dealing with musculoskeletal pain related to these issues, consider incorporating non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression and traction therapy to alleviate the pain. Research studies have revealed that traction therapy is a commonly used conservative treatment for reducing musculoskeletal pain along the spine. This therapy also reduces pain and relieves pressure on the spinal disc and nerves while restoring joint function. Physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors frequently use traction therapy by applying gentle force to stretch and elongate soft tissues while restoring spine mobility. Traction therapy is known to be effective in treating musculoskeletal disorders such as herniated discs, sciatica, and referred musculoskeletal pain.


How Does It Help Musculoskeletal Pain?

When environmental factors cause pain issues in the body, they can cause damage to the spine, leading to muscles, spinal discs, and nerves compensating for the pain. This can result in referred pain in various body parts. Pain specialists use traction therapy to reduce the effects of musculoskeletal pain. Research indicates that technological changes and living standards can cause musculoskeletal pain and weaken muscle groups. Combined with non-invasive techniques, traction therapy can improve the body’s kinetic function by correcting spinal subluxation, rehydrating, and restoring the spinal disc. It can also help treat chronic musculoskeletal conditions related to spinal subluxation caused by musculoskeletal pain.


Revitalize and Rebuild with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Do you suffer from muscle or joint pain, especially in your back? You may have noticed limited mobility or stiffness in your muscles. If so, you may be experiencing musculoskeletal pain associated with your spine. Fortunately, non-surgical treatments, such as spinal decompression and traction therapies, are available, which can help alleviate pressure on your spine and rehydrate your discs. These therapies stretch your muscles gently, reducing referred pain and restoring mobility to the affected joints. The video above demonstrates how these treatments can revitalize your body, reduce pain, and accelerate the healing process naturally. Additionally, physical therapy and chiropractic care can be combined with these treatments to promote optimal health and wellness.

What Is Spinal Decompression?


Have you ever experienced pain in different parts of your body due to issues with your spine? Spinal decompression therapy can help. It can alleviate musculoskeletal disorders associated with the spine and restore your body to normal. Spinal decompression reduces pressure on the spinal disc by gently stretching the spine and increasing hydration, which can decrease stress on the trapped nerve root. Studies have shown that it is a non-surgical option for individuals suffering from musculoskeletal pain.


How Do These Two Therapies Work Together?

“The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” written by Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., explains that spinal decompression and traction therapy both address musculoskeletal pain related to the spine but in different ways. Traction therapy reduces pressure on the outer part of the spinal disc, while spinal decompression creates negative pressure inside the disc to hydrate it. Both treatments work together to restore blood flow and nutrients to the affected area and promote natural healing. These safe and non-invasive therapies have been reported to reduce pain after just a few sessions.



Regarding musculoskeletal pain, non-surgical treatments like traction therapy and spinal decompression allow the body to naturally heal itself by reducing pain through gentle stretching and remobilizing the joints. These non-invasive treatments help realign the body out of subluxation. Pain specialists can combine traction therapy and spinal decompression with associated therapies to help the individual be more mindful of their bodies while getting them back to their daily routine without worrying about constant pain.



Choi, Jioun, et al. “Influences of Spinal Decompression Therapy and General Traction Therapy on the Pain, Disability, and Straight Leg Raising of Patients with Intervertebral Disc Herniation.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Feb. 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4339166/.

Kaplan, Eric, and Perry Bard. The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH, 2023.

Oh, Hyunju, et al. “The Impact of Manual Spinal Traction Therapy on the Pain and Oswestry Disability Index of Patients with Chronic Back Pain.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Dec. 2018, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6279706/.

Öten, Erol, et al. “Traction Therapy in Lumbar Disc Hernias: A Finite Element Analysis Study.” Joint Diseases and Related Surgery, 2022, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9057540/.


Running Piriformis Syndrome: EP’s Sciatica Clinic

Woman stretches her legs by pressing against bridge by pressing against bridge

The piriformis is a large and powerful muscle beneath the gluteal/buttocks muscles. It runs from the bottom of the sacrum, where the base of the spine and pelvis converge to the top of the femur. This muscle plays a critical role in running motion; it helps externally rotate the hips and upper leg outward, provides hip flexibility and stability, and stabilizes the pelvis. The sciatic nerve passes next to, over, under, or through the piriformis muscle. When the piriformis contracts or spasms, it can irritate, become entangled and compress the nerve, resulting in painful symptoms. This can lead to various problems and is how piriformis syndrome occurs.

Running Piriformis Syndrome: EP's Chiropractic Specialist Team

Running Piriformis Syndrome

The proper function of the piriformis muscle is essential for athletes who participate in running sports. Repetitive activities, like running, can fatigue the muscle and irritate and inflame the nerve.


Piriformis syndrome can be challenging to diagnose because it can be confused for a herniated disc, sciatica, a proximal hamstring strain/high hamstring tendinitis, or lower back problems. A few symptoms that can help determine whether the piriformis is the cause include:

Sitting, Stairs, Squatting Discomfort or Pain

  • Individuals don’t always experience discomfort while running.
  • Instead, it’s sitting, climbing stairs, and squatting where pain symptoms present.
  • Pain while running, specifically an overstretched sensation when going up a hill or increasing speed, is more associated with a proximal hamstring strain.


  • The area around the piriformis is tender.
  • Applying pressure can cause discomfort or pain around the area and radiate down the leg.

Centered Pain

  • Piriformis syndrome is usually felt in the middle of the glutes.
  • A proximal hamstring strain typically causes non-radiating pain at the bottom of the glutes, where the hamstrings connect to the pelvis.


  • Pelvic misalignment.
  • Pelvic misalignments created by other conditions, like a tilted pelvis, functional leg-length discrepancy, or practicing unhealthy posture, make the piriformis work harder to compensate, which leads to tightness and/or spasms.
  • Sudden increases in distance or workout intensity can worsen any weakness in the piriformis and other gluteal muscles.
  • Continuing to run, which is possible, can worsen and prolong the condition.
  • When running, the muscle’s signal transmissions are interrupted by inflammation and/or compression and cannot synchronize with each other.
  • The result is the inability to withstand the repetitive strain of running.
  • Not warming up with glute-activation exercises increases the risk of running piriformis syndrome.

Chiropractic Treatment

Resting may not be enough to alleviate piriformis syndrome. This is especially true if the problem involves spine and pelvic misalignment. Chiropractic can provide significant relief from running piriformis syndrome. A combination of spinal, pelvic, and extremity adjustments, therapeutic massage, MET, decompression, stretches, and anti-inflammatory nutrition will take the pressure off overly tight areas, realign the body, and maintain nervous system function.

  • Running form could be evaluated and checked for leg-length discrepancies and muscle-strength imbalances.
  • Running can continue if the individual can do so without pain or symptoms.
  • But it is recommended to avoid slanted surfaces, which increase the risk of pelvic misalignment.
  • Avoid long runs, which increase the chance of overload and fatigue.
  • The goal is to relax and release the piriformis.
  • If it’s impinging on the sciatic nerve, loosening and releasing the muscle will significantly lessen radiating pain.
  • Orthotics may be recommended for excessive overpronation or inward movement of the foot when landing.

Other treatments to stop piriformis spasms.

  • Ice and take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can be used during acute phases when the area is tender.
  • Work out tight spots using a foam roller or percussive massager.
  • Stretching and loosening the muscle before and after runs can help it relax and increase blood flow.
  • Stretches like pigeon pose and standing figure four and exercises like side planks with a leg lift are recommended.

Building a Stronger Body


Ahmad Siraj, Sidra, and Ragini Dadgal. “Physiotherapy for Piriformis Syndrome Using Sciatic Nerve Mobilization and Piriformis Release.” Cureus vol. 14,12 e32952. 26 Dec. 2022, doi:10.7759/cureus.32952

Chang A, Ly N, Varacallo M. Piriformis Injection. [Updated 2022 Sep 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-.

Heiderscheit, Bryan, and Shane McClinton. “Evaluation and Management of Hip and Pelvis Injuries.” Physical Medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America vol. 27,1 (2016): 1-29. doi:10.1016/j.pmr.2015.08.003

Julsrud, M E. “Piriformis syndrome.” Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association vol. 79,3 (1989): 128-31. doi:10.7547/87507315-79-3-128

Kraus, Emily, et al. “Piriformis Syndrome With Variant Sciatic Nerve Anatomy: A Case Report.” PM & R: the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation vol. 8,2 (2016): 176-9. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2015.09.005

Lenhart, Rachel, et al. “Hip muscle loads during running at various step rates.” The Journal of Orthopedic and sports physical therapy vol. 44,10 (2014): 766-74, A1-4. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.5575

Sulowska-Daszyk, Iwona, and Agnieszka Skiba. “The Influence of Self-Myofascial Release on Muscle Flexibility in Long-Distance Runners.” International Journal of environmental research and public health vol. 19,1 457. Jan 1, 2022, doi:10.3390/ijerph19010457

Revitalize and Rebuild with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Revitalize and Rebuild with Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx (2023)
Join us in this transformative video podcast as we explore the science of Chiropractic for accelerated healing, reduced inflammation, and overall recovery. Discover essential nutrients, meal plans, and strategies to bounce back stronger and faster from workouts or injuries. Whether you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or seeking optimal rejuvenation, gain valuable insights on harnessing nutrition for your recovery journey.

Our care plans are base on Functional Medicine as a systems approach based on biology that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. We focus on the paradigm that symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors to an individual’s illness.

This approach shifts from the traditional disease-centered focus of most medical practices to a more holistic person-centered approach.

Our discussions team includes Integrative Doctors, Functional Medicine Experts, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Chiropractors, Physical Medicine Doctors, Therapists, and Exercise Performance Specialists.
We provide clinical insights, treatment options, and methods to achieve clinically sound, specific measured goals.*

Functional & Integrative Health Live Events *

✅ Stress Hormones & Health
✅ Gut Health, Inflammation & Auto-Immunity*
✅ Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
✅ Fibromyalgia & Inflammation
✅ Diabetes & Autoimmunity*
✅ Weight Loss
✅ Body Composition Analysis
✅ Thyroid Dysfunction*
✅ Autoimmune Disorder*
✅ Heart Disease & Inflammation*
✅ Agility & Mobility
✅ Injury Recovery Programs
✅ Complex Lower Back Pain Recovery Plans
✅ Severe Sciatica Syndromes
✅ Other Complex Health Challenges
✅ Neutraceutical Recommendations
✅ Advanced Translational Nutrigenomics*
✅ Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabalomics
✅ Care Plans (Advanced Clinical Practice)

We present, bridge, and connect these various health programs, functional medicine protocols, fitness methods, injury recovery programs, and offer complete wellness packages.

To that end, we shed light and offer treatment options and bring a deep understanding of the real underlying causes of those suffering from acute and interconnected chronic degenerative disorders.

Ultimately, we empower you to achieve and maintain your personalized, healthy way of living by understanding the root causes of disorders.

It is all about.


Join us in improving your health.


Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, CTG*
email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com phone:
phone: 915-850-0900

Licensed in Texas & New Mexico*

Notice: Our information scope is limited to musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present talks and clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist in our events is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure.

The information in these events is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

Our presentations are designed to share knowledge and information from Dr. Jimenez’s research, experience, and collaborative functional medicine community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.
We use and discuss functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support the musculoskeletal system’s care for injuries or disorders. Our events, webinars, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and issues that relate and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.*

Subscribe: bit.ly/drjyt

Facebook Clinical Page: www.facebook.com/dralexjimenez/
Facebook Injuries Page: www.facebook.com/elpasochiropractor/
Facebook Neuropathy Page: www.facebook.com/ElPasoNeuropathyCenter/

Yelp: El Paso Rehabilitation Center: goo.gl/pwY2n2
Yelp: El Paso Clinical Center: Treatment: goo.gl/r2QPuZ

Clinical Testimonies: www.dralexjimenez.com/category/testimonies/

Clinical Site: www.dralexjimenez.com
Injury Site: personalinjurydoctorgroup.com
Sports Injury Site: chiropracticscientist.com
Back Injury Site: www.elpasobackclinic.com
Functional Medicine: wellnessdoctorrx.com

Twitter: twitter.com/dralexjimenez
Twitter: twitter.com/crossfitdoctor

DISCLAIMER: dralexjimenez.com/legal-disclaimer/.

Building a Stronger Body = Better Life | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Building a Stronger Body = Better Life | El Paso, Tx (2023)
Unlock the potential of optimal nutrition and witness the transformative power it holds for your body and overall well-being. Join us in this captivating video podcast as we explore the profound effects of nourishing choices on your vitality. Discover the science-backed secrets of fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods and learn how they can revitalize your energy levels, enhance your physical performance, and promote long-term health. Get ready to embark on a journey towards a stronger, healthier you through the incredible benefits of nutrition.

Our care plans are base on Functional Medicine as a systems approach based on biology that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. We focus on the paradigm that symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors to an individual’s illness.

This approach shifts from the traditional disease-centered focus of most medical practices to a more holistic person-centered approach.

Our discussions team includes Integrative Doctors, Functional Medicine Experts, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Chiropractors, Physical Medicine Doctors, Therapists, and Exercise Performance Specialists.
We provide clinical insights, treatment options, and methods to achieve clinically sound, specific measured goals.*

Functional & Integrative Health Live Events *

✅ Stress Hormones & Health
✅ Gut Health, Inflammation & Auto-Immunity*
✅ Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
✅ Fibromyalgia & Inflammation
✅ Diabetes & Autoimmunity*
✅ Weight Loss
✅ Body Composition Analysis
✅ Thyroid Dysfunction*
✅ Autoimmune Disorder*
✅ Heart Disease & Inflammation*
✅ Agility & Mobility
✅ Injury Recovery Programs
✅ Complex Lower Back Pain Recovery Plans
✅ Severe Sciatica Syndromes
✅ Other Complex Health Challenges
✅ Neutraceutical Recommendations
✅ Advanced Translational Nutrigenomics*
✅ Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabalomics
✅ Care Plans (Advanced Clinical Practice)

We present, bridge, and connect these various health programs, functional medicine protocols, fitness methods, injury recovery programs, and offer complete wellness packages.

To that end, we shed light and offer treatment options and bring a deep understanding of the real underlying causes of those suffering from acute and interconnected chronic degenerative disorders.

Ultimately, we empower you to achieve and maintain your personalized, healthy way of living by understanding the root causes of disorders.

It is all about.


Join us in improving your health.


Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, CTG*
email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com phone:
phone: 915-850-0900

Licensed in Texas & New Mexico*

Notice: Our information scope is limited to musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present talks and clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist in our events is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure.

The information in these events is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

Our presentations are designed to share knowledge and information from Dr. Jimenez’s research, experience, and collaborative functional medicine community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.
We use and discuss functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support the musculoskeletal system’s care for injuries or disorders. Our events, webinars, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and issues that relate and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.*

Subscribe: bit.ly/drjyt

Facebook Clinical Page: www.facebook.com/dralexjimenez/
Facebook Injuries Page: www.facebook.com/elpasochiropractor/
Facebook Neuropathy Page: www.facebook.com/ElPasoNeuropathyCenter/

Yelp: El Paso Rehabilitation Center: goo.gl/pwY2n2
Yelp: El Paso Clinical Center: Treatment: goo.gl/r2QPuZ

Clinical Testimonies: www.dralexjimenez.com/category/testimonies/

Clinical Site: www.dralexjimenez.com
Injury Site: personalinjurydoctorgroup.com
Sports Injury Site: chiropracticscientist.com
Back Injury Site: www.elpasobackclinic.com
Functional Medicine: wellnessdoctorrx.com

Twitter: twitter.com/dralexjimenez
Twitter: twitter.com/crossfitdoctor

DISCLAIMER: dralexjimenez.com/legal-disclaimer/.

Body In Balance *CHIROPRACTIC + FITNESS + NUTRITION* El Paso, Tx (2023)

Body In Balance *CHIROPRACTIC + FITNESS + NUTRITION*  El Paso, Tx (2023)
Discover the transformative power of chiropractic care, fitness, and nutrition in this enlightening video podcast. Join our hosts as they delve into the profound and long-lasting benefits that a holistic approach to health can bring to your life. Explore the interplay between chiropractic adjustments, physical fitness, and nourishing nutrition, and learn how these practices can unlock your body’s potential and enhance your overall well-being. Get ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle and unleash your full potential for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Our care plans are base on Functional Medicine as a systems approach based on biology that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. We focus on the paradigm that symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors to an individual’s illness.

This approach shifts from the traditional disease-centered focus of most medical practices to a more holistic person-centered approach.

Our discussions team includes Integrative Doctors, Functional Medicine Experts, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Chiropractors, Physical Medicine Doctors, Therapists, and Exercise Performance Specialists.
We provide clinical insights, treatment options, and methods to achieve clinically sound, specific measured goals.*

Functional & Integrative Health Live Events *

✅ Stress Hormones & Health
✅ Gut Health, Inflammation & Auto-Immunity*
✅ Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
✅ Fibromyalgia & Inflammation
✅ Diabetes & Autoimmunity*
✅ Weight Loss
✅ Body Composition Analysis
✅ Thyroid Dysfunction*
✅ Autoimmune Disorder*
✅ Heart Disease & Inflammation*
✅ Agility & Mobility
✅ Injury Recovery Programs
✅ Complex Lower Back Pain Recovery Plans
✅ Severe Sciatica Syndromes
✅ Other Complex Health Challenges
✅ Neutraceutical Recommendations
✅ Advanced Translational Nutrigenomics*
✅ Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabalomics
✅ Care Plans (Advanced Clinical Practice)

We present, bridge, and connect these various health programs, functional medicine protocols, fitness methods, injury recovery programs, and offer complete wellness packages.

To that end, we shed light and offer treatment options and bring a deep understanding of the real underlying causes of those suffering from acute and interconnected chronic degenerative disorders.

Ultimately, we empower you to achieve and maintain your personalized, healthy way of living by understanding the root causes of disorders.

It is all about.


Join us in improving your health.


Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, CTG*
email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com phone:
phone: 915-850-0900

Licensed in Texas & New Mexico*

Notice: Our information scope is limited to musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present talks and clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist in our events is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure.

The information in these events is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

Our presentations are designed to share knowledge and information from Dr. Jimenez’s research, experience, and collaborative functional medicine community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.
We use and discuss functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support the musculoskeletal system’s care for injuries or disorders. Our events, webinars, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and issues that relate and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.*

Subscribe: bit.ly/drjyt

Facebook Clinical Page: www.facebook.com/dralexjimenez/
Facebook Injuries Page: www.facebook.com/elpasochiropractor/
Facebook Neuropathy Page: www.facebook.com/ElPasoNeuropathyCenter/

Yelp: El Paso Rehabilitation Center: goo.gl/pwY2n2
Yelp: El Paso Clinical Center: Treatment: goo.gl/r2QPuZ

Clinical Testimonies: www.dralexjimenez.com/category/testimonies/

Clinical Site: www.dralexjimenez.com
Injury Site: personalinjurydoctorgroup.com
Sports Injury Site: chiropracticscientist.com
Back Injury Site: www.elpasobackclinic.com
Functional Medicine: wellnessdoctorrx.com

Twitter: twitter.com/dralexjimenez
Twitter: twitter.com/crossfitdoctor

DISCLAIMER: dralexjimenez.com/legal-disclaimer/.

A Modern Epidemic Known As Back Pain


Back pain is a common issue experienced by people all over the world. The human body’s main structure is the back, divided into three sections: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. These sections help in body movement, including twisting and turning, moving the extremities, and have a relationship with the gut and central nervous system. The surrounding muscles in the back also provide support and protect the spine. However, normal activities like bending down to pick up a heavy object, sitting down for an extended period, or falling can cause changes that lead to back pain, misalignment, and risk profiles in the upper and lower extremities. Today’s article focuses on the causes of back pain and the treatments available to relieve its effects. We utilize and incorporate valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers using non-surgical treatments to reduce the impact of back pain. We encourage and refer patients to associated medical providers based on their findings while supporting that education is a remarkable and fantastic way to ask our providers the essential questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., comprises this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


An Overview Of Back Pain


Do you have pain in your upper, middle, or lower back? Do you experience aches and pains in the morning? Did lifting something heavy cause you pain? These symptoms could be signs of back pain, a common and costly reason for emergency room visits. Research studies reveal that back pain can have various causes and affect the entire body, either mechanically or non-specifically. The three sections of the back – cervical, thoracic, and lumbar – can all be impacted, causing referred pain in different parts of the body. For instance, cervical (upper) back pain can cause stiffness in the neck, while thoracic (middle) back pain can lead to shoulder and posture issues. Lumbar (low) back pain, the most common type, can cause hip and sciatic problems. Additional research studies reveal that back pain is a complex issue that can severely affect body function, and environmental factors can also influence it.


Causes Of Back Pain

Various factors can be the cause of back pain, thus resulting in spine misalignment. In their book, “The Ultimate Spinal Decompression,” Dr. Eric Kaplan, D.C., FIAMA, and Dr. Perry Bard, D.C., explain that the back muscles play a significant role in protecting the spine. Environmental factors can also impact the spine, leading to potential back pain. The book further notes that wear and tear and disc protrusion on the spine can result in disc herniation and degeneration, also associated with back pain. Some common causes of back pain include:

  • Disc degeneration
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Slipped spinal disc
  • Herniations
  • Musculoskeletal disorders (arthritis, osteoporosis, sciatica, & fibromyalgia)
  • Visceral-somatic/Somato-visceral pain (Affected organ or muscle causes referred pain to different body parts)
  • Pregnancy

Further research indicates that various environmental factors, such as physical activity, lifestyle, stress, and work conditions, are associated with back pain and can overlap as risk factors. If left untreated, these environmental factors can lead to chronic conditions and significantly impact a person’s quality of life.


Chiropractic Secrets Exposed- Video

Chiropractic Secrets Exposed | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Have you been feeling numbness or tingling in your arms or legs? Do you experience back muscle pain when you stretch? Or do you feel pain in your low back or other parts of your body? These issues are often associated with back pain and, if left untreated, can lead to disability and loss of function. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce back pain and its associated symptoms and promote natural healing. The video above explains how non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can help alleviate back pain through manual manipulation. This treatment can realign the spine, stretch out tight muscles, and restore the body’s range of motion.

Treatments For Back Pain


If you are experiencing back pain, various treatments can help ease your symptoms and improve your mobility. You have two options for treating back pain: surgical and non-surgical. Surgical treatment may be necessary if you are experiencing nerve compression or have sustained an injury that requires spinal fusion. Non-surgical treatments can help relieve pressure on your spine, reduce back pain, and even alleviate pain in other areas of your body. Some non-surgical treatments for back pain include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise
  • Chiropractic care
  • Acupuncture
  • Spinal Decompression

According to research, non-surgical treatments can alleviate pressure on spinal discs, loosen tight muscles, improve joint mobility, and promote natural healing. Many people supplement these treatments with healthy lifestyle choices, making small adjustments to their routine and paying closer attention to their physical well-being.



Since back pain is a widespread problem affecting people globally, it can be caused by various environmental factors that impact the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar back sections, leading to overlapping risk profiles and affecting different body parts. Tight and strained muscles and a compressed spine are common symptoms of this issue. However, treatments available can effectively reduce pain, stretch tight muscles, and relieve pressure off the spinal disc. By incorporating these treatments, individuals can alleviate back pain and allow their bodies to heal naturally.



Allegri, Massimo, et al. “Mechanisms of Low Back Pain: A Guide for Diagnosis and Therapy.” F1000Research, 28 June 2016, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4926733/.

Casiano, Vincent E, et al. “Back Pain.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), 20 Feb. 2023, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538173/.

Choi, Jioun, et al. “Influences of Spinal Decompression Therapy and General Traction Therapy on the Pain, Disability, and Straight Leg Raising of Patients with Intervertebral Disc Herniation.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Feb. 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4339166/.

Kaplan, Eric, and Perry Bard. The Ultimate Spinal Decompression. JETLAUNCH, 2023.

See, Qin Yong, et al. “Acute Low Back Pain: Diagnosis and Management.” Singapore Medical Journal, June 2021, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8801838/.


Back Adjustments Should Be Done By A Professional Chiropractor

Mature wife supporting senior husband feel sudden back pain muscles tension injury at home

Back problems can affect everyone. The most healthy individuals can experience back issues from time to time because of unhealthy postures, standing or sitting for extended periods at a job or school, athletes, and individuals with previous injuries. Back soreness and pain symptoms are common in today’s active and inactive world. The pain can range from dull and constant aches to sharp and sudden piercing sensations. This causes pressure to build up against different regions of the spine. Individuals trying to reposition the body can cause an imbalance in the spine that often leads to more pain and problems. It is impossible to adjust one’s spine effectively and should be evaluated and treated by a professional chiropractor and therapy team.

Back Adjustments Should Be Done By A Professional Chiropractor

Professional Chiropractor

Problems With DIY adjustments

  • Self-cracking or having a friend/family/spouse walk on their back or squeeze the body to achieve the crack or pop forces an increase in mobility that can lead to overexerting the spine.
  • Can loosen all of the joints instead of just the tight joints.
  • This can overly loosen already flexible joints that must compensate for the stiff joints.
  • The muscles have to work overtime to maintain stability, adding stress which increases muscle tension.
  • This can cause the health of compressed segments to continue to decline and worsen and/or cause further injury.
  • It can cause abnormal vertebral degeneration.
  • It can be dangerous if the individual has weak bones.
  • Injuries can include herniated and dislocated discs.
  • In the worst-case scenario, fractures and broken vertebrae.
  • Although rare, there is the possible risk of rib fracture or subluxation.
  • This can cause pain and symptoms to turn into a serious health or chronic condition.

Chiropractic Training

Chiropractors are trained medical specialists on the body’s structure and function. Chiropractors know the correct positioning and function of every area of the spine, from the neck to the tailbone. The most common injuries that chiropractic treats include:

  • Muscle Strains
  • Sciatica
  • Overuse/Repetitive Strains
  • Neck Sprains
  • Whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Herniated Discs
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures

Proper Realignment

Individuals think the popping sound is the goal; however, it’s not what relieves the pain or symptoms. The relief comes from the improved movement of the joints. The term for the popping sound is cavitation. Chiropractic manipulation is a specific force applied in a specific direction to a particular joint. During a professional realignment session, the pressure inside the joint decreases, releasing gasses within the synovial fluid into the joint space. That’s the popping sound. When a professional chiropractor performs adjustments/cavitations, they:

  • ImproveJoint function.
  • Relax the muscles.
  • Relieve nerve irritation.

There’s also the possibility of an unknown underlying cause for the pain symptoms. Therefore, friends and family should not attempt back adjustments unless they are professional chiropractors. When symptoms persist, treatment from a professional licensed chiropractic clinic is safer and more effective, and early treatment can prevent permanent damage caused by chronic inflammation. Professional chiropractor treatments include:


  • To gently realign joints to decrease pain and increase range of motion.

Soft-Tissue Therapy

  • Relaxes tight muscles, relieves spasms, and releases tension in the tissues that surround the muscle fascia.

Exercises and Stretches

  • Restore and maintain joint stability and mobility.

Joint Bracing and Kinesio Taping

  • Supports sprained joints or muscles during recovery.

Referrals to Medical Experts

  • For guidance on diet and nutrition to reduce inflammation and promote healthy weight.

The Path To Healing


Dunning, James, et al. “CAVITATION SOUNDS DURING CERVICOTHORACIC SPINAL MANIPULATION.” International Journal of sports physical therapy vol. 12,4 (2017): 642-654.

Evans, David W, and Nicholas Lucas. “What is manipulation? A new definition.” BMC musculoskeletal disorders vol. 24,1 194. 15 March 2023, doi:10.1186/s12891-023-06298-w

Hardy, Katie, and Henry Pollard. “The organization of the stress response, and its relevance to chiropractors: a commentary.” Chiropractic & osteopathy vol. 14 25. 18 October 2006, doi:10.1186/1746-1340-14-25

LaPelusa, Andrew. and Bruno Bordoni. “High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation Techniques.” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, 6 February 2023.

Navid, Muhammad Samran, et al. “The effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation on central processing of tonic pain – a pilot study using standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA).” Scientific Reports vol. 9,1 6925. 6 May. 2019, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42984-3

Chiropractic Secrets Exposed | El Paso, Tx (2023)

Chiropractic Secrets Exposed | El Paso, Tx (2023)
In this insightful video, discover the incredible benefits of chiropractic care as a non-surgical approach to finding effective pain relief. Learn how chiropractic techniques can help you avoid surgery while addressing various sources of pain. From back and neck pain to joint discomfort, this video highlights the power of chiropractic in providing natural pain relief. Explore the world of chiropractic care and unlock a surgery-free path to a pain-free life.

Our care plans are base on Functional Medicine as a systems approach based on biology that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. We focus on the paradigm that symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing factors to an individual’s illness.

This approach shifts from the traditional disease-centered focus of most medical practices to a more holistic person-centered approach.

Our discussions team includes Integrative Doctors, Functional Medicine Experts, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, Chiropractors, Physical Medicine Doctors, Therapists, and Exercise Performance Specialists.
We provide clinical insights, treatment options, and methods to achieve clinically sound, specific measured goals.*

Functional & Integrative Health Live Events *

✅ Stress Hormones & Health
✅ Gut Health, Inflammation & Auto-Immunity*
✅ Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
✅ Fibromyalgia & Inflammation
✅ Diabetes & Autoimmunity*
✅ Weight Loss
✅ Body Composition Analysis
✅ Thyroid Dysfunction*
✅ Autoimmune Disorder*
✅ Heart Disease & Inflammation*
✅ Agility & Mobility
✅ Injury Recovery Programs
✅ Complex Lower Back Pain Recovery Plans
✅ Severe Sciatica Syndromes
✅ Other Complex Health Challenges
✅ Neutraceutical Recommendations
✅ Advanced Translational Nutrigenomics*
✅ Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabalomics
✅ Care Plans (Advanced Clinical Practice)

We present, bridge, and connect these various health programs, functional medicine protocols, fitness methods, injury recovery programs, and offer complete wellness packages.

To that end, we shed light and offer treatment options and bring a deep understanding of the real underlying causes of those suffering from acute and interconnected chronic degenerative disorders.

Ultimately, we empower you to achieve and maintain your personalized, healthy way of living by understanding the root causes of disorders.

It is all about.


Join us in improving your health.


Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, CTG*
email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com phone:
phone: 915-850-0900

Licensed in Texas & New Mexico*

Notice: Our information scope is limited to musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present talks and clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist in our events is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure.

The information in these events is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

Our presentations are designed to share knowledge and information from Dr. Jimenez’s research, experience, and collaborative functional medicine community. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.
We use and discuss functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support the musculoskeletal system’s care for injuries or disorders. Our events, webinars, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and issues that relate and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.*

Subscribe: bit.ly/drjyt

Facebook Clinical Page: www.facebook.com/dralexjimenez/
Facebook Injuries Page: www.facebook.com/elpasochiropractor/
Facebook Neuropathy Page: www.facebook.com/ElPasoNeuropathyCenter/

Yelp: El Paso Rehabilitation Center: goo.gl/pwY2n2
Yelp: El Paso Clinical Center: Treatment: goo.gl/r2QPuZ

Clinical Testimonies: www.dralexjimenez.com/category/testimonies/

Clinical Site: www.dralexjimenez.com
Injury Site: personalinjurydoctorgroup.com
Sports Injury Site: chiropracticscientist.com
Back Injury Site: www.elpasobackclinic.com
Functional Medicine: wellnessdoctorrx.com

Twitter: twitter.com/dralexjimenez
Twitter: twitter.com/crossfitdoctor

DISCLAIMER: dralexjimenez.com/legal-disclaimer/.