Nutrition and Wellness

Implementing Exercise As A Daily Routine (Part 1) Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to implement exercise as part of your daily routine. Many factors and lifestyle… Read More

February 17, 2023

Monk Fruit Sugar Alternative: Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

As individuals try to avoid sugar as best as possible, alternative sweeteners are becoming more popular. A new addition is… Read More

February 14, 2023

Finding The Right Diet For Cardiometabolic Syndrome (Part 2) Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to find the right diet for cardiometabolic syndrome in this 2-part series. Many… Read More

February 13, 2023

The Best Diet For Hypertension (Part 1) Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how to find the best diet approach to hypertension and cardiometabolic risk factors in… Read More

February 10, 2023

High Blood Pressure and Physical Activity: Functional Wellness

High Blood Pressure and Physical Activity: Blood pressure flows throughout the body to meet metabolic demands. During periods of physiological… Read More

February 9, 2023

Understanding The Metabolic Connection & Chronic Diseases (Part 2) Introduction Dr. Jimenez, D.C., presents how chronic metabolic connections like inflammation and insulin resistance are causing a chain reaction… Read More

February 9, 2023

The Metabolic Connections Between Chronic Diseases (Part 1) Introduction Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how metabolic connections are causing a chain reaction to major chronic diseases in… Read More

February 8, 2023

Venous Insufficiency: EP Functional Health and Wellness Clinic

Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The veins transport blood back to the heart,… Read More

February 3, 2023

Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health? (Part 3) Introduction Nowadays, many individuals are incorporating various fruits, vegetables, lean portions of meat, and healthy fats and oils into… Read More

February 3, 2023

Foods That Help Maintain Flexibility: EP Functional Health Clinic

Having and maintaining flexibility in the joints depends on the connective tissues surrounding the muscles. Proper lubrication in the connective… Read More

February 2, 2023