Hypo Thyroid

Hypo Thyroid: Hypothyroidism aka (under-active thyroid) is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough specific and important hormones. Hypothyroidism upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions in the body. It rarely causes symptoms in its early stages, but if left untreated, it can cause a number of health problems, i.e. obesity, joint pain, infertility, and heart disease. The symptoms of hypothyroidism vary and depend on the severity of the hormone deficiency. In general, the symptoms tend to develop slowly, usually over a number of years. At first, the symptoms are barely noticeable, such as fatigue and weight gain. Often these are attributed to getting older. But as the metabolism continues to slow, more obvious signs and symptoms may develop. Signs and symptom can include:

Dry skin
Elevated blood cholesterol levels
Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
Impaired memory
Increased sensitivity to cold
Muscle weakness
Muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness
Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
Puffy face
Slowed heart rate
Thinning hair
Weight gain

Untreated, symptoms can become more severe. Constant stimulation of your thyroid gland to release more hormones may lead to an enlarged thyroid (goiter). In addition, greater forgetfulness, slower thought processing, and depression. Moreover, excess weight and obesity caused by a hypo thyroid can cause musculoskeletal complications which may lead to back pain and sciatica. Advanced hypothyroidism, aka myxedema, is rare, but when it happens it can be life-threatening. Symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness, and even coma. In extreme cases, it can be fatal. Fortunately, accurate thyroid function tests are available and treatment with synthetic thyroid hormone is usually simple, safe and effective once a doctor finds the right dose for a Hypo Thyroid.

Hope with Regenerative Medicine and Thyroid Regeneration

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Looking Into A Metabolic Approach on Thyroid Disorders | Part 3

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Taking A Metabolic Approach On Thyroid Disorders | Part 2

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A Metabolic Approach On Thyroid Disorders | Part 1

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